WWW PharmaKos Project Implementation Voucher
"Project is co-funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund, implemented under the assembly of the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020"
Short description of the project
Pharmakos Consulting d.o.o. has signed with the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts a Grant Voucher No. P19_WWW_2018_0051 for the implementation of the „WWW PharmaKos“ project, Ref. No.: KK.
The voucher was issued for the purpose of co-financing the contractual provision of services aimed at implementing and improving online solutions in the presentation and sale of their products and services. The contractual provision of the service is related to the service of the provider VIRTUS DESIGN, owner Davor Blaguški, and the service to be co-financed consists of the activities: Design and development of a network solution of Pharmakos Consulting d.o.o.
Project implementation period
The project is being implemented from April 17, 2019 to April 17, 2020.
The overall objective of the project
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the strengthening of the market position, increase the competitiveness and efficiency of the SME business through the improved application of online marketing solutions and contribute to the development of the information society in the Republic of Croatia.
Purpose of the project (specific objectives) and expected results
1. Increase in the number of investments of Pharmakos Consulting d.o.o. to the presentation of their products and services through online solutions - the implementation of the proposed project will increase activities of investments by Pharmakos Consulting d.o.o. into designing a business website and will design and build 1 network solution.
2. Increasing the competitiveness of Pharmakos Consulting d.o.o. - as a result of the implementation of the project in question, an increase in sales revenue of 10% is expected in the second year after the year of completion of the project.
The total value of the project is: 29.250,00 HRK
The total eligible expenses are: 21.500,00 HRK
European Union co-funded amount: 15.050,00 HRK
For more information on project please contact Mrs. Katarina Matošević at info@pharmakos.hr
For more information on European structural and investment funds please visit: www.strukturnifondovi.hr
For more information on Operational Programme „Competitiveness and Cohesion“ please visit: http://www.strukturnifondovi.hr/op-konkurentnost-i-kohezija-2014-2020-779